Nenad Jelesijević: Razlika med redakcijama

Vrstica 27: Vrstica 27:
His official [ bibliography] has more than 200 entries with writings being published in scientific and professional journals, books, various printed and web publications, dailies, as well as broadcasted on radio.
His official [ bibliography] has more than 200 entries with writings being published in scientific and professional journals, books, various printed and web publications, dailies, as well as broadcasted on radio.

He introduces and develops the concept of performance-critique in his book [ ''Performance-critique. A Turn into Abolishment of Art'']—ed. [ Petra Pogorevc], afterword by [ž_Lukan Blaž Lukan], published by Ljubljana City Theatre within MGL Library, one of European/world's first theatrology collections.
He introduces and develops the concept of performance-critique in his book [ ''Performance-critique. A Turn into Abolishment of Art'']—edited by [ Petra Pogorevc], afterword by [ž_Lukan Blaž Lukan], published by Ljubljana City Theatre within MGL Library, one of European/world's first theatrology collections.

He regularly posts at [ Performans], a work-in-progress collection of his writings (in Slovenian, English, French).
He regularly posts at [ Performans], a work-in-progress collection of his writings (in Slovenian, English, French).

Redakcija: 13:42, 4. januar 2020


Nenad Jelesijević je raziskovalec performansa, scenskih umetnosti in filma. Pogosto premišljuje estetizacijo upora, potenciale dezidentifikacije, politizacijo trasha in transdisciplinarne prakse.

Jelesijević je teoretik, kritik in predavatelj; soustanovitelj in umetniški vodja zavoda za raziskovanje in produkcijo performansa Kitch, pri kateremu koordinira dolgoročni program Teorije in prakse performansa; (so)avtor in performer v performerskem tandemu Kitch.

Nenad j selfie.jpg

Doktoriral je iz filozofije in teorije vizualne kulture na Fakulteti za humanistične študije v Kopru (Univerza na Primorskem) s tezo Kritična umetnina in simbolni kapital, magistriral iz videa in novih medijev na Akademiji za likovno umetnost (Univerza v Ljubljani) s tezo Umetnost je trgovski artikel, diplomiral pa iz notranje arhitekture na Fakulteti za uporabne umetnosti in oblikovanje (Umetnostna univerza v Beogradu).

Zasnoval je in razvil pojem performans-kritika v knjigi Performans-kritika. Zasuk v odpravo umetnosti, ki jo je izdalo Mestno gledališče ljubljansko v teatrološki zbirki Knjižnica MGL, uredila Petra Pogorevc, spremno besedo pa je prispeval Blaž Lukan.

Redno objavlja na spletišču Performans, ki je zbirka njegovih avtorskih besedil (v slovenščini, angleščini in francoščini).

Napisal je več kot dvesto besedil, ki so objavljena v znanstvenih in strokovnih revijah (Amfiteater, Annales ser. hist. sociol., Maska, Lutka, Kino!, Didaskalia - Kraków, Časopis za kritiko znanosti, Dialogi, Medijska preža, Borec), zbornikih (The critic is present or towards embodied criticism, ur. I. Medenica; Uprizoritvene umetnosti, migracije, politika: slovensko gledališče kot sooblikovalec medkulturnih izmenjav, ur. B. Orel; Migracije - begunci - avantgarda 21. stoletja, ur. M. Peljhan; Indebted to Intervene, ur. O. Vodeb in N. J. Kolenc), časopisih (Mladina, Tribuna idr.), različnih tiskanih (gledališki listi, katalogi razstav) in spletnih publikacijah (npr. Mediantrop, regionalni časopis za medije i kulturu) ter na radiu (Radio Slovenija Program Ars). Kontinuirano je objavljal na MMC RTV Slovenija, Radiu Študent, v Delu in Večeru, tam tudi v svoji kolumni Javne arhitekture.

Pogosto se udeležuje mednarodnih in domačih konferenc, simpozijev, seminarjev in okroglih miz s področja gledališča, filozofije in filma, kot so Maskin simpozij in seminar, simpoziji v okviru Festivala Borštnikovo srečanje, mednarodni teatrološki simpozij Sterijevega pozorja v Novem Sadu, mednarodna konferenca Fakultete za dramske umetnosti v Beogradu idr. Večkrat je bil gostujoči predavatelj pri predmetu Kritična teorija kulture na Fakulteti za družbene vede v Ljubljani.

Short CV

Nenad Jelesijević is researcher of performance art, performing arts, and film. Working as a theorist, critic and lecturer, he is often focusing on aestheticisation of resistance, potentials of disidentification, and politicization of trash.

He is a co-founder of The Kitch Institute—performance research and production based in Ljubljana, its artistic director, and coordinator of a long-term program Theories and Practices of Performance.

He is a (co)author and performer in tandem Kitch.

He holds PhD from Philosophy and Theory of Visual, with thesis Critical Artwork and Symbolic Capital.

His official bibliography has more than 200 entries with writings being published in scientific and professional journals, books, various printed and web publications, dailies, as well as broadcasted on radio.

He introduces and develops the concept of performance-critique in his book Performance-critique. A Turn into Abolishment of Art—edited by Petra Pogorevc, afterword by Blaž Lukan, published by Ljubljana City Theatre within MGL Library, one of European/world's first theatrology collections.

He regularly posts at Performans, a work-in-progress collection of his writings (in Slovenian, English, French).

He writes and lectures in Slovenian, English and Serbian.

Bibliografija / Bibliography

Konceptualne zasnove performansov in performiranje(*) v tandemu Kitch / Performances' conceptual layouts and performing(*) in tandem Kitch

Poudarki / Highlights

Arhiv / Archive

V medijih / In the media